Des Moines Civic Center Seating Chart

Unusually, the Des Moines Civic Center features continental seating over one floor, with a capacity of 2,700, and unobscured views to the stage from every seat. The Civic Center also contains the blackbox Stoner Theater on street level. With a capacity of 200, it is used for smaller events and lectures. There is also an off-site theatre, Temple Theater, found in the newly-renovated Temple for Performing Arts and used for intimate theatre events.
Seating is clearly labelled and finding your assigned seat should be straightforward. If you experience any difficulty, polite and efficient stewards will be available and delighted to assist you. Patrons are asked not to change seats from their original assigned seats when booking tickets, as doing so will cause confusion. Once seated, please remain so for the duration of the performance or until the interval, as leaving mid-show can cause disruption to the other audience members.